Missing logs on website (V19), wrong mode-s code in logfile

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Missing logs on website (V19), wrong mode-s code in logfile

Post by ronagel »

Dear modesfan,

I'm running V19 for several days now without any problems with the script.

But unfortunately I noticed that many logs from my client do not shown up on the website, so I assume they got lost during the transmission.

I noticed this for several C-130s and SP F-16 and also for the E-11 today.

And I also noticed, that the log files shows the wrong mode-s value, here's an example for the E-11:

MSG, 3, 896462, 2019/04/23, 11:35:06.719, 50.06602, 9.33260, ---, VELCRO4, 40000, 1000, Ramstein,DE
The correct mode-s code should be AE4D27.

And here's another example for a wrong mode-s code in the log file (this time a RS C-130J):
MSG, 5, 3950CA, 2019/04/23, 11:04:51.028, JUMP52, Ramstein,DE

An example for a correct mode-s code but not showing up on the website:
MSG, 5, AE16EF, 2019/04/23, 10:58:58.565, FURY01, Ramstein,DE
MSG, 6, AE16EF, 2019/04/23, 10:58:58.565, ---, 1000, Ramstein,DE

Best regards
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Re: Missing logs on website (V19), wrong mode-s code in logfile

Post by modesfan »

Hi Roy,

thanks for reporting problems.

Reported location of 896462 was around 11:35 am in 40000 ft south east of Frankfurt near Heinrichsthal. It was an Airbus flight EY37 from Abu Dhabi to Paris. Somehow the callsign "VELCRO4" of AE4D27 got into this report. AE4D27 flew at the same time approx. in 20000 ft (nearest position reported Würzburg).

Reported 3950CA was an Air France Airbus. How do you know that it should be a C-130? Have you seen the plane?

The reports of AE16EF should be listed on the website but the behaviour of the website is out of the focus of the reporting tool. I have no explanation for this. Callsign and location match. But no other station reported this plane at same time (10:58 am).

Please give me some more info on the setup of your station. Which ports are you using?

Re: Missing logs on website (V19), wrong mode-s code in logfile

Post by ronagel »

Hi modesfan,

896462 / AE4D27 was in fact E-11A 11-9001 "Velcro04" approaching from the east and full stopped at Ramstein.

3950CA / AE1BF6 was in fact a Ramstein C-130J using callsign "Jump52" which is a common callsign used by the unit.

Please find enclosed a screenshot from my basestation showing the correct data, so something goes wrong with the modeslogger script.

I'll keep an eye on this issue and will go back to a previous version if necessary.

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Re: Missing logs on website (V19), wrong mode-s code in logfile

Post by modesfan »

Hi Roy,

we are investigating data and testing (callsign -T-) new methods.

Could you please start the tool with the parameter -aggressive. Edit the file /etc/init.d/modes.sh and change the line with PROG=:

Code: Select all

PROG="modesfiltered.jar -aggressive"
If you made changes to this line, then just add -aggressive inside quotes.

After editing do a restart with

Code: Select all

sudo service modes restart

Re: Missing logs on website (V19), wrong mode-s code in logfile

Post by ronagel »

Hi modesfan,

"aggressive" parameter is activated.


Re: Missing logs on website (V19), wrong mode-s code in logfile

Post by ronagel »

again messing up the callsign in this case:
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Re: Missing logs on website (V19), wrong mode-s code in logfile

Post by modesfan »

Hi Roy,
thanks for help and report!

Just summerized facts:

Two other stations "SAAR1, DE" and "SAAR2, DE" both reported AE170A with callsign ETRNL12 and squawk 1211 at 10:02:07 (registered at 10:03:07 GMT). Your station (with V19) reported same flight with callsign HKY06 and squawk 2721 at 10:01:18.684 (registered at 10:03:07 GMT). Some other tool says HKY06 belongs to AE220F, squawk 2721 also seems to be wrong.

1. I would like to know, what software are the SAAR stations using. At the moment both seem to be offline.
2. One way to find the source maybe to log input of modesfiltered into separate file:

nc 30003 | egrep --line-buffered 'MSG,1,' >> /tmp/flight_tracks.csv

Re: Missing logs on website (V19), wrong mode-s code in logfile

Post by ronagel »

Hi modesfan,

here's another proof of the issue from this morning, this time the website shows a wrong callsign of C-17 03-3125 (Jugs02 is a 52FW F-16):

Second screenshot shows the website, first screenshot shows the log in flight_tracks.csv
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Re: Missing logs on website (V19), wrong mode-s code in logfile

Post by ronagel »

and another:

take a look at the callsigns of 90-0829 (shown callsign is from a RS Herk) and 58-0125 (shown callsign is from a SP F-16):
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Re: Missing logs on website (V19), wrong mode-s code in logfile

Post by modesfan »

Hi Roy,

unfortunately the log in flight_tracks.csv doesn't cover the report of your station at 7:30:35.313. First log is from 7:31:22.124. Could you log again?
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