C-130J-30 Update

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C-130J-30 Update

Post by Navairboss »

Albert and all,

I have been researching the three airframes below and need to change the serial numbers in the database.

07-6310 should be 07-46310 AE1BF3
07-6311 should be 07-46311 AE1BF4
07-6312 should be 07-46312 AE1BF5

This is per the Scramble database, the C130.net website, Planefinder and many other sites.

Chief Larry
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Re: C-130J-30 Update

Post by Snoop56 »

Morning Chief Larry,

Can you confirm any recent sightings of any of these three?. Reason being is that were built with the serial numbers you quote but at least two were reseerialled around 2011 time. I myself have a picture of 07-6311 C-130J parked in the static display at Barksdale Air show in 2012.


Re: C-130J-30 Update

Post by Trubb »

Hi Snoop/Larry

I recall from a few years ago it was thought that the 07-463** C-130Js had been re-serialled, and that 07-46311, for example, had become 07-6311. To support this theory I've seen a photo of the machine you have alluded to at Barksdale in 2012 (see URL below) which clearly shows "76311" on the tail, whereas originally - for example when at the Paris Show in 2009 - the serial had been presented on the tail as "746311". From the foregoing we can at least deduce that as far as the serial being displayed on the tail of the aircraft is concerned, a change had definitely occurred between 2009 & 2012.

http://www.airport-data.com/aircraft/ph ... 9797L.html

However, I notice from MAR reports and Mode S hits that '6311 seems to have been on TDY in Europe between January & May this year - mainly operating from Ramstein - and while here it was photographed at Palma on the 28th April. I mention this as the photo at the URL below clearly shows that it is wearing "746311" on the tail; and so is now displaying the serial just as it did back in 2009.


Make of the above what you will, but it could be that the change of serial never actually happened at an official level, and that it may have simply been down to a paint-shop or paperwork error at squadron/wing level.

Best wishes

Posts: 203
Joined: Sat Feb 06, 2010 6:47 pm

Re: C-130J-30 Update

Post by Snoop56 »

Afternoon Trubb

Excellent contribution and detective work. Has been amended in the database now. Thank you for the original posting Larry as well.

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