Does this site still work?

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Does this site still work?

Post by gralston73 »

I had been using the version 4.1 client and now all I get is "last insert failed".

I tried to use the client for Windows 10 - that's not working at all.

I just tried to get the version for RaspberryPi...when I get through the set up using PUTTY, the pi says services failed to start because it doesn't exist.

Kinda stumped here...
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Location: Hudson Falls, NY

Re: Does this site still work?

Post by gralston73 »

Got it to work finally. Sharing data again via raspberry Pi.
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Re: Does this site still work?

Post by modesfan »

Hello gralston,

Good to hear you managed to setup the client. "... services failed to start ..." I made the same experience with V22 on Raspian 10 Buster. There seem to be some incompatibility. But I don't understand it yet.
With one of my stations I also get drop-outs after a few days. Somehow there are no more "currently tracked flights". Could you please report any problems, I am always interested in improving the tool.

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Re: Does this site still work?

Post by Skymaster »

I had problems with Buster a couple of years ago. At the time, I was trying to install the 360radar client, and was told that:

1) it's not currently properly released (it's based on Debian 10 which hasn't been released yet)

2) there are limited drivers for it

3) our MLAT-Clients haven't been compiled for it and won't be until it's properly released.

I don't know whether this is still the case, of if it applies to the LMMS client, but was advised to use the previous version of Raspbian (Stretch)... which I did, and it worked fine. I'm still using it on a Pi2.

I did notice about a month or so ago, that my LMMS feed had started dropping out. It was happening every few days to start with, but got more frequent, and I was having to restart the client [sudo service restart] after 24hrs or so.

I never did get to the bottom of it, and instead swapped out the Pi and SD card with a backup. I've not had any feed dropout problems since.

Perhaps an improper poweroff had corrupted the SD card in some way?
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Buster should work

Post by modesfan »

I updated the Raspbian Buster installation on October 17th. Since then it's running modesfiltered V22 without problems.
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