Seasons greeting from live military mode-s

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Posts: 3031
Joined: Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:57 am

Seasons greeting from live military mode-s

Post by Albert »

Seasons greeting from live military mode-s

Hi All,

Live military mode-s wishes you and your family a very happy Christmas and the best
wishes for 2016. Also I want to thank all of you for sharing your data or sending in updates and photos to the website.

Windows 10
Many of you switched to Windows 10.
Please remember to reinstall my software ( ... index5.php)
After the reinstall you will be sharing again to the website.

New Mobile Site
Beside there is a new responsive, mobile site:

Raspberry PI
One of the members wrote software for the Raspberry PI. Software can be found at:
Just like my time, his time is also limited for support.

Again thanks and let's hope to log a lot of new mode-s code in 2016/

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